Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of smalland medium pump vehicle Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of small and
倾力打造 只为好品质Strive for better quality
37米泵车是在载重汽车底盘上进行改造而成的,它是在底盘上安装有运动和动力传动装置、泵送和搅拌装置、布料装置以及其它一些辅助装置。 混凝土泵车的动力通过动力分动箱将发动机的动力传送给液压泵组或者后桥,液压泵推动活塞带动混凝土泵工作。然后利用泵车上的布料杆和输送管,将混凝土输送到相应的高度和距离。
Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of smalland medium pump vehicle Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of small and
倾力打造 只为好品质Strive for better quality
Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of smalland medium pump vehicle Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of small and
倾力打造 只为好品质Strive for better quality
Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of smalland medium pump vehicle Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of small and
倾力打造 只为好品质Strive for better quality
Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of smalland medium pump vehicle Build the first brand of small and medium pump vehicleBuild the first brand of small and
倾力打造 只为好品质Strive for better quality